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Lola Jane Thorne: Writing

Lola Thorne: The Messy Empowerment Coach for Perfectionists
Aug 29, 202410 min read
Nurturing Your Inner Voice: Transforming Criticism into Compassion
Transform your inner critic into a supportive voice. Through self-compassion and reparenting, set self-boundaries that nurture.
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Lola Thorne: The Messy Empowerment Coach for Perfectionists
Jul 31, 20243 min read
Frozen but Focused: How an Ice Bath Taught Me to Master My Mind
It was less about surrendering to the water, and more about surrendering to the version of myself I wanted to be.
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Lola Thorne: The Messy Empowerment Coach for Perfectionists
Jul 23, 20245 min read
Breaking Free from the Cycle of Control: Overcoming People-Pleasing and Finding Inner Freedom
An exploration of how childhood control and people-pleasing behaviours affect adult relationships: discover steps to reclaim inner peace
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Lola Thorne: The Messy Empowerment Coach for Perfectionists
Apr 28, 20216 min read
Are you open to receiving joy?
Rejecting joy is a specific form of self-sabotage. It is messy and crosses over many self-sabotaging behaviour and self-limiting beliefs,...
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Lola Thorne: The Messy Empowerment Coach for Perfectionists
Oct 1, 20205 min read
Choosing to Trust: 3 lessons I learnt about trust after heartbreak
Over the years we may have learnt trust can be hard, because we have seen it - and sometimes felt it - shatter so many times. How do we...
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Lola Thorne: The Messy Empowerment Coach for Perfectionists
Apr 14, 20205 min read
Motivational quotes around COVID-19 and why they are making me so angry
A month ago we were in a collective panic, denial, fear – our supermarket shelves were empty and people’s sense of anxiety and fear had...
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Lola Thorne: The Messy Empowerment Coach for Perfectionists
Apr 2, 20205 min read
9 ways to feel calmer in under 5 minutes
In today's world of constant news, change and readjustment, it is likely that you are carrying far more tension around in your body than...
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Lola Thorne: The Messy Empowerment Coach for Perfectionists
Feb 24, 20205 min read
Take up your space - You aren't "too much"
I had learnt to stop asking for my needs to be met until every so often I would burst from holding them in, I would feel shame and guilt.
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