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Lola Thorne: Code of ethics

I am committed to delivering a high standard of practice as identified in my Code of Ethics.


A Summary


  • I will work openly and honestly, with integrity and with respect to the client and their significant others.


  • I will provide clear documentation to clients about the roles, responsibilities and rights for all involved in the coaching.


  • I am committed to the client's right to confidentiality and will be clear about the legal requirements in which confidentiality cannot be maintained.


  • Personal data is fairly and lawfully processed, maintained and stored.


  • I am required to keep myself informed of, and comply with, (a) current best business practices and (b) legal requirements that may affect my work.


  • I will only coach children under the age of 18 with the written consent of parent or guardian and I will provide a specific agreement for each family that agrees the level of confidentiality to ensure the well-being of the child.


  • I strive to recognize both personal issues and professional limitations that may impair or, conflict with, my coaching ability.


All clients are given a full copy of my Code of Ethics, including information about conflicts of interest, specific legal requirements and my commitment to professional development.

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